jeudi 8 décembre 2011

Absolute Vegan Mac & Cheeze

I think i've found a real deal here. I admit that i love a real mozza gratin, but with this cheesy sauce and some Daiya, you'll maybe, like me, forget about it.

This yummy recipe is from Robin, the hungry birdie. It comes with the Quick and dirty fabulous sauce  from Oh she glows.

I've made this recipe like its says but i used kamut fusillis. Next time, i'll double the cheesy sauce, because it's a food jewel, and there is never enough sauce!

1 commentaire:

  1. Miam! Ça a l'air super bon... avec du Daiya et des chouz-fleurs, on ne peut pas se tromper.

    J'adore la lasagne de Veganomicon, qui ne contient pas de fauxmage commercial, mais je viens de faire celle de Cuisine végétarienne locale, qui demande du Daiya, et c'est vraiment différent. Le Daiya rend le tout vraiment plus "junk food".
